Sunday, November 24, 2013

2013 Week 12

Flipping through the channels this week I noticed something that blew my mind. Eddie Murphy was on a talk show. I can’t remember the last time I’ve seen Eddie Murphy in something that wasn’t a terrible movie. Here’s what’s even weirder, the set looked exactly like the Arsenio Hall show...because it was the Arsenio Hall Show. The set had the couches instead of the desk, the band was still where it always was, and the there was still a Dawg Pound. It was almost like this show has been around the last 20 years much like Leno and Letterman have been. The interview was actually very entertaining and you could tell they were good friends by how comfortable they were with each other.

But then subsequent interviews showed the real thing. You can only have so many friends as guests. You can only get the crowd to go “Woof! Woof!” and do that index finger high five thing so many times. When you’re cool and confident you can interview people with only an ottoman in between you. When you lean in too far and overlaugh like you’ve downed 7 Red Bulls, you start to think talk show hosts have desks for a reason. It led me to think, remember when Arsenio was the best talk show host in the world?

It was only for 5 years but he was.

Arsenio came in at a time when culture was changing. Whether it was changes to the political, racial, gender, health, musical or fashion landscape, it was all changing rapidly during the 5 year period Arsenio was on. Whether it was AIDS awareness or the LA riots, Arsenio was the talk show young people went to to see relevant guests talking about these issues rather than ignoring them.

Add to the fact Carson and Letterman were so vested in the audience of 35 and up viewers they would never take the risk of inviting cutting edge celebs at the time which young audiences would only be interested in. Celebs such as MC Hammer, Andrew Dice Clay, Mike Tyson, Jason Voorhees, Vanilla Ice, Snoop Dogg, Sam Kinison, WWF wrestlers, 2Pac and presidential candidate Bill Clinton were often overlooked initially by the bigger networks but proved to be a “must see” for younger audiences.

It seemed like anything could happen. Sometimes it was planned and sometimes it wasn’t. Here’s a link to some of the random things that happened. Some of  these would never happen on a talk show again:

I was only 11 when he started but remember foregoing NBA games, MLB games, MTV (back when it was actually music), and anything else during that time to watch the show on the weekends. Did I live in a small town, have a mullet and double rimmed glasses? Did I wish I had a fade haicut, gold chains, and gold parachute pants? Yes and yes.

In fact I was convinced my ticket to becoming the most popular kid in my school was if I wrote a letter to MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice and they held a concert on the wooden stage in the school’s gym and then invited me up on stage to dance with them...that didn’t happen.

OK enough fun talking about the 90’s I could do remember when about this constantly (Like remember when Coolio was a legitimate artist, had #1 hits and even won a Grammy? Can you imagine him next to Jay Z or any other legenday hip hop artist today?) but let’s to a fantasy football remember when. Like remember when Ray Rice was a top 3 starter? Remember when Ryan from “The Office” was indestructible and didn’t have a creepy mustache Creepy ? Remember when the New England Patriots were an offensive juggernaut and had character guys on their roster? Remember when we all drafted a bunch of running back as if they would dominate scoring this year? Remember your opening day lineup? Opening Day

Much like life and late night talk shows, the only constant in fantasy football is change. I’m sure there are plenty of remember when’s from this year and others. Here’s to you rolling with the changes and hoping a few breaks go your way to end the season.

Please see the Power Rankings below. This week the Blows took over the top spot by beating the Pickles and clinching a playoff spot. Last week could be a preview of the championship game.

We’ll also see some teams clinch soon as you can see the magic numbers (number of wins and final playoff spot losses needed to make the playoffs) are shrinking. Believe it or not everyone still has a chance. If you are 4-7 and can win 2 and have some of these 5-6 teams lose the next 2? You are in. Even if you have a tie in your record you still have a chance as the tiebreaker is who has the most “Points For” between the tied teams. So get in as many points as you can then next 2 weeks.

Power Rankings Week 12

Believe it or not everyone still has a chance. If you are 4-7 and can win 2 and have some of these 5-6 teams lose the next 2? You are in. Even if you have a tie in your record you still have a chance as the tiebreaker is who has the most “Points For” between the tied teams. So get in as many points as you can then next 2 weeks. Here’s what the picture looks like this week:

Week 12 Playoff Picture

Have a great week everybody. I’m sure I’ll remind you all about the football extravaganza on Thanksgiving day.  May you and your families have a great Thanksgiving if I don’t talk at you prior.

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