‘Ello Guvna!
I seen on me mobile while I’m hangin in me flat there’s a wee bit o’ American footie on the Wembley pitch wit some clubs called the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Minnesota Vikings. Blimey! These dodgy blokes got plenty of bangers and mash in ‘em an’ they spen’ all they time in a ruck wit’ one anutha in tight knckers, wit a ball that looks rubbish, mate. I mean these chaps only kick the ball a few times each match an they got scores wit double digit goals and when the clock runs out of time the game actually ends! Cheeky Monkeys!
Wha is a field goal anyway? In real football every bloddy goal is a field goal. Next thing ya know I’ll find out they don’t even have a spot of tea wit jam and bread between periods and don’t act like they just got shot in the leg every time a player is touched.
I’m absolutely sure they would never have long sections in the game where nothing really happens and everyone has lost a half an hour of their lives as a result like we do. And there’s no way their fans are so off one’s trolley they get knackered and fight with each other, and riot in the streets after a big win….Wait they do? Me and me mate may need to jump in a lorrey and pop in to this match to learn more bits n bobs about this game.
If Wayne Rooney was on one of these teams he would give all these blokes a good rogering and leave Ben Roethlisberger and Adrian Peterson snookered. Tossers! Maybe we can grab a pint and some fish and chips at the pub before we go and watch. An’ then these American wankers can pack it in and sod off! An’ don’t even get me started on this fantasy football bullocks. Blimey!
God Save the Queen!
Here’s the power rankings for this week:
There were quite a few big jumps both in for good and for bad. Savannah Pickles has been dealing so far this year with a dominating performance last week in being 1 of 2 teams to outscore the rest of the league by 30 and by leading the “Points For” category in the league by 50. Stafford and McCoy are back to form and since I didn’t draft Jimmy Graham in any league this year, he’s back to being the number one tight end in the league. Team Kent and Levanger’s Banger’s have also made a jump this week as this Peyton Manning kid is showing some promise and Romo and Desean Jackson have clearly figured something out. Condolences to Let’s get physical and Rain Dancer who both have RB problems but ultimately have scoring points problems. And since they are my brothers in law, they have a whole host of other problems I won’t even get into. Let’s hope they can pick it up in Superbowl Shuffle as it may be all they have going for them right now.
See the standings and the Points info below:
Here’s to everyone putting another shrimp on the barbie today!